Katye Interviewed by WUCF about the Book Choice process
Katye Interviewed by WUCF on Book Removal Process https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ipszQgzgL7I Krystel Knowles from WUCF-TV recently discussed with Katye Campbell, a Brevard Public School Board Member, regarding the county’s protocol for reviewing and potentially removing books from classrooms. This process is initiated when a parent or resident decides to challenge a book in the school library.
Katye is RE-elected for a second term
Brevard has SPOKEN! By winning the Mail In Vote, the Early Vote, she had a great lead before an Election Day vote was counted! The decisive win by 15 points, an even higher margin that 2018, Brevard was very clear about who they wanted to represent them. Katye is “humbled and grateful” for all the …
Brevard chooses Katye again!
Space Coast Daily, one of our most popular local media outlets, held an online straw poll on Facebook and overwhelmingly the populace picked Katye by the LARGEST MARGIN of any of it’s Brevard county straw polls! Brevard county keeps picking Katye!
Space Coast Realtors Association endorses Katye Campbell
I am so thankful for the belief and trust shown in my leadership by the endorsement of the Space Coast Association of Realtors.
Thanks for your time at Palm Bay Independence Day Celebration
Thanks so much to the amazing volunteers that have helped us, most recently, at the Palm Bay Independence Celebration, but also throughout the whole campaign. Whether you are walking neighborhoods, setting up decorations, delivering signs, storing supplies, making social media graphics or helping with strategy for the next phase, we appreciate you all! You guys …
Continue reading "Thanks for your time at Palm Bay Independence Day Celebration"
Katye has QUALIFIED for the Election
Katye Has Qualified Thanks so much to all the people who filled out petitions or asked their friends to or went door to door helping us get the required amount of petitions to be qualified to be put on the ballot for the primary on August 23rd. We were notified recently by the Supervisor of …
Katye Campbell files for re-election in 2022!
On Wednesday, November 17, Katye filed for re-election for 2022! Surrounded by a collection of close friends and supporters, she signed the papers and officially is now listed as running for the School Board seat in District 5! Previous Next
Contact Katye Campbell for School Board
email katye4schoolboard@gmail.com
call (321) 405-2523.
Political advertisement paid for and approved by Katye Campbell for Brevard School Board, District 5.