We encourage you to “like” her Facebook Page at facebook.com/electkatye.

Why I ran…
For our children, our most precious resource
– To make sure they have the highest quality education we can provide.
– To create a safe environment so that students can learn.
For our community
– To see that our tax dollars are spent wisely and not wastefully.
For parents, teachers, and staff
– To make sure their voices count in the decision-making process.
Katye Campbell is a former teacher, a 14 year Brevard resident, and the mother of 1 Brevard Public Schools student and 2 others.
I endorse Mrs. Campbell based on her principles, background, experience and her position about the role of the parents in their children's education.
"Katye is on mission to serve the students and families of BREVARD. I appreciate her genuine care for the educational, emotional and social well being as she serves all constituents with conviction & experience."
"If you are interested in integrity and someone who will put the best interest of our kids first, please vote for Katye Campbell for school board in district 5."
It has been a blessing and a privilege to know Katye Campbell. She is truly a woman of integrity, honesty and compassion. Katye truly wants the very best for our students, teachers, administrators, and school employees. It shows her leadership, in her decisions, an in the way she listens to people. I wholeheartedly support Katye for School Board and look forward to another 4 years with her direction and compassion for Brevard Public Schools.
Thank you for fighting for our children and following your calling. Keep up the good work in Brevard!
Thank you, Katye, for all the hard work you've done and continuing to stand for what is right for our kids.
"Throughout the pandemic, Katye has been such a light on the Board. She comes with data, understanding, her approach is always with the kids in mind, and what I love most about her is that she stays true to her heart & beliefs."
"{Katye} is exactly what we need. Someone who is real and authentic and has our kids in her best interest will be a breath of fresh air for teachers, admin, parents, and families."
"If only someone really good would run… Someone REALLY GOOD is and I'm asking you to get to know her and give her your support!"
Thank you, Katye, for all the hard work you've done and continuing to stand for what is right for our kids.
"I can't begin to explain how perfect she is for this position. She is a former teacher, has so much common sense, an incredible drive for our kids and absolutely wonderful. As a side note, I go to her for any kind of wisdom and just for anything fun in life."
"Katye is one of the most responsible, honest, dedicated and loving people that I have met. We need Katye in the school board."
"Space Coast friends, please get ready to support my friend Katye as she runs for School Board. She has my 100% endorsement and support!"
"Katye is a dedicated and devoted wife, mother of three, and is passionate about serving our community well in this endeavor. She has sound wisdom and understanding with regards to what's best for our students in Brevard County and will serve with all her heart in this capacity."
"I have zero doubt that she'll be amazing."
"Katye is the type of person that we need in local government."
"I have never endorsed any candidate for any office on Facebook. I endorse Katye Campbell wholeheartedly."
"It's not very often that a girl can get truly excited about a candidate for public office...We need a voice of reason and a citizens' advocate in this position."
Katye has proven her courage to act with integrity, as well as her commitment to study the issues and to work hard for the best solutions. She has demonstrated her devotion to the true needs of our students. We need Katye on the School Board!
"Many of us having been saying that District 5 has needed a new representative for years, and I’m so excited that Katye is stepped up to the plate!"
Contact Katye Campbell for School Board
Email katye4schoolboard@gmail.com
Phone (321) 405-2523
Political advertisement paid for and approved by Katye Campbell for Brevard School Board, District 5.
All content Copyright Katye Campbell for Brevard School, District 5 (2022).