Here are my positions on the issues that people want to know.  If you need any further explanation or want any clarification, please don’t hesitate to ask.   You can contact me at the email or phone number below.

I’m passionate about making sure voters are informed so that they can make their best choice when they go into the voter booth.

Parent's Rights

Parents are the #1 decision-makers in their children’s education.  We need to make our traditional public schools the very best they can be, but parents should be free to choose charter schools or homeschooling if that is what best meets the needs of their child or their family.


Parents should also maintain the right to approve or disapprove any sex education, health services, or counseling that might conflict with their family’s values.

Teacher Pay

It is a poor reflection on our county that we are one of the lowest paying districts for new teachers, and the lowest for teachers with several years of experience in our six county area.  In the classroom, the most important factor in a student’s education is the teacher, and we need to be paying them a competitive salary that will keep experienced teachers in Brevard.


Florida spends almost exactly the same amount per student as several other states that have much higher average teacher salaries.  We need to be spending our tax dollars wisely, not wastefully, with a student focus rather than building a bigger bureaucracy.

Career and Technical Education
Brevard Public Schools has career and technical education programs at every high school, ranging from engineering to culinary arts to A/C refrigeration and heating technology and many more. These programs provide training and certifications that will enable students to move into better paying jobs right out of high school. Because students can choose programs that match their interests and abilities, even if they are at a different school from where they are zoned, they will encourage better attendance and better academic performance. These programs also foster the expectation that after graduation, students will become productive members of society.
Career and technical programs are excellent choices for students who are not college-bound, but they do not limit students to that path.  In fact, college-bound students would greatly benefit from the real-world experience brought by these programs and the ability to find a good job to support them through school so that they can graduate without the burden of large student loans.
How do we make them even better? 
*Communication. We need to let students know early on about the opportunities available to them.  
*Community involvement.  We need to bring in professionals from these career fields to share their experiences and to invest in the students and programs.
For a list of programs
offered by school, click this link

Contact Katye Campbell for School Board
Phone (321) 405-2523

Political advertisement paid for and approved by Katye Campbell for Brevard School Board, District 5.